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Fraser Family Blog
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Packing up and moving on . . .
We recently returned from our trip to Hungary that we made to pack up, clean, and paint our apartment. We had a big sale for all of our furniture and many of our household items, all of the things we decided not to eventually take with us to the Philippines. It was a lot of work, but it was also good to see our friends and co-workers in Hungary one last time and say goodbye to them. We also had a lot of people help us in our cleaning, packing, and selling. After John got home, he had several nights in a row of dreaming about packing tubs and painting!
Fortunately, we had a trip to the cottage owned by Tricia's cousins right after we got back, so we had five days to unwind by boating, fishing, catching frogs, and making s'mores over a campfire. The weather was damp and cold for most of our time there, but it didn't dampen Hannah's or Matthew's spirits one bit. They had fun no matter what the weather was like. It was the cottage that Tricia grew up visiting as a child, so it was a special time for her to take the kids out in the canoe to hunt for turtles.
Now that we're back in Rochester, we are ready to get back into deputation mode. Our big trip to Texas and Canada is coming up next month, so we're busy making plans for that. We also confirmed that we'll be living in Greenwood, Indiana at OMS headquarters for the fall. There is a furnished three-bedroom house on the OMS campus that is available for us at a reasonable cost. We're looking forward to not living out of suitcases in the back of our minivan for awhile before we make our move to the Philippines next year.

Posted by jfraseroms at 9:28 AM EDT
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